She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large

She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
She is the Candle Flame Over Water - Extra Large
Über den Künstler
Kerry Inkster
Kerry Inkster
Mein Name ist Kerry Inkster und ich bin Künstlerin und Yogalehrerin und lebe in der abgelegenen tropischen Stadt Darwin im Northern Territory, Australien. Die Welt der unter Wasser schwimmenden Frauen spielt in meiner Arbeit eine wichtige Rolle. Meine Bilder erforschen die weibliche Figur.
Canvas, un-stretched and delivered in a roll
194x130 cm
4270 € inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
Versand innerhalb von ca. 7 Tagen
Dieses atemberaubende Kunstwerk zeigt eine faszinierende Darstellung einer Person, die in einem tiefen, dunklen Gewässer schwimmt. Die Farben sind lebhaft und kontrastreich, mit einem hypnotisierenden Zusammenspiel von Blau- und Violetttönen, die das Gefühl von Tiefe und Bewegung erzeugen. Die geschwungenen Linien und die geschickte Verwendung von Licht und Schatten verstärken die dynamische Ästhetik und das traumähnliche Gefühl des Bildes. Die Technik wirkt fast surreal, wodurch der Betrachter in eine andere Welt entführt wird, in der die Grenzen zwischen Wasser und dem All verschwommen sind. Diese Komposition vermittelt ein Gefühl von Freiheit und Gelassenheit, ideal für moderne und beruhigende Innenräume.
Dieses Kunstwerk eignet sich hervorragend als Blickfang in Wohnräumen, Schlafzimmern oder kreativen Büros. Durch seine beruhigende Farbpalette und die tolle Darstellung von Bewegung kann es helfen, einen entspannenden Raum zu kreieren. Ideal für moderne Inneneinrichtungen und Kunstliebhaber, die außergewöhnliche Stücke schätzen.
In this vivid canvas, I've unleashed a dance of color and emotion, blending expressionism with pop art's boldness. Acrylic and spray mingle, forming a figure that embodies the duality of stillness and movement, like a flame's reflection on water. This piece is a visual symphony, a semi-abstract representation of resilience and grace, a powerful statement sure to breathe dynamic energy into any space. To find my subjects I seek images and themes gleaned from several popular culture and classical sources. The original image for this painting was taken during a photoshoot in Mataranka, Bitter Springs, in the Northern Territory. I was taken with the beautiful reflections of my model just underneath the water. I have named it after a line in the poem "When she dances" by Jennifer Highland. I'm always looking for positive motives to uplift and enrich women's and girls' lives - encouraging them to live braver and more fulfilled lives with strong bold poses. As with most of my paintings, I have painted in layers. The background uses action painting (expressionistic) techniques - pouring, dripping, splashing paint and involving my body in the painting process rather than just the paintbrush. The figure was created using contemporary art pop art techniques and stencils, and a further layer of hand painting brought the foreground and background together. Currently, the painting is not stretched and will be delivered to you in a roll. This carries a reduced carbon footprint and offers a safer way to transport such a large piece to you. The canvas size measures 214cm x 150cm - once the piece is stretched the size of the painting will be 194cm x 130cm x 4cm. Here is Jennifer's poem for your enjoyment. When She Dances She is peacock feather and cockatiel She is honey dripping from the comb She is water buffalo planting her feet She is the whole forest swaying She is the spiral pulse of smoke She is the wave that ambushes the shore She is glacier thundering into the bay She is the whole forest falling She is the quiver deep in the frog's throat She is pollen rising like mist She is candle flame over water She is the whole forest singing © Jennifer Highland 2015
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