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Aase Lind

Aalborg, Denmark
Aase Lind is an independent painter who lives and works in Northern Denmark. She previously completed courses at the School of Arts in Denmark where Henrik Hoffmann mentored her. Favourite themes are land- & seascapes, and florals. Her semi-abstract paintings depict landscapes or floral still lifes, often using unexpected colours to heighten the intensity of her subject matter. Aase Lind's artwork is in private collections in the USA, UK, Europe and Australia. Copies of the artwork are also found in a hotel chain on the western coast of the USA. Her artwork will be on exhibition by special appointment. Exhibitions: Solo shows in Denmark As a member of the group VARIABLERNE in Denmark CONTEMPORARY ART FROM THE EU MEMBERSHIP COUNTRIES 2009, Budapest PARALLAX ART FAIR, 2011, London
'Midnight in the City'
'L' Heure Bleue'
'Spring Tulips'
Jungle no 2
'Spring Tulips'
'Spring Flower no 2'
'Garden & Fruit'
'Scandinavian Seaside'
Flowers in Red
'Bright Flowers'
'Summer Impression'
'Midnight in the City'
'Flowers in Blue'
Tuscany Impressions
'Northern Light in Scandinavia'
'White Flowers on Green'
'L´Heure Bleue'
'Hommage à Peter Doig'
Flowers in Violet