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Yussof Knauss

Yussof Knauss

Yussof (Jürgen) Knauss, born in Darmstadt in 1938, trained typesetter and graphic artist. Exhibitions in Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Kitzbühel and Venice. Yussof Knauss worked as a layout designer, creative director, managing partner and most recently as chairman for the Heye advertising agency from 1964 to 2014. In 1994 he was named Man of the Year in the German advertising industry. In 1989, after the death of F. W. Heye, he took over Heye Verlag with his wife Claudia, who was also responsible. They ran the publishing house until they left in 2012 and, through a merger, made it the largest calendar publisher in Germany. During this time, his passion for photography resulted in several books and calendars that received multiple awards. Yussof Knauss photographs with a careful eye on the world that surrounds him. Be it traveling to the southern end of this world, to Patagonia; or at the southern end of his world, in Seeshaupt on Lake Starnberg. Yussof Knauss lives with his wife in Munich and on Lake Starnberg.
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, bei Mynthia
Burma/Myanmar – Thanlwin, Kyauk Ka Lat Heiligtum bei Hpa-an
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, am Ufer bei Nirbana No.4
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, Erdnussernte bei einem Dorf Nähe Bagan
Burma/Myanmar – Malikha River, im Dorf Naukham
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, am User being Sale
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, am Ufer bei Nirbana No.1
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, Landungssteg bei Tamanthi
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, bei Mynthia
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, bei Phea Pope
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, Sandbank bei Tamanthi
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, am Ufer bei Nirbana No.2
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, Erdnussaussaat bei Mynthia
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, im Dorf Kaunghein
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, Königspalast in Mandalay
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, am Ufer in Tamanthi
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, am Ufer bei Nirbana No.3
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, mitten im Pagodenfeld im Bagan
Burma/Myanmar – Chindwin, im Dorf Hthein Pin
Burma/Myanmar – Ayeyarwady, Buddha-Manufaktur in Mandalay No.1