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Angelo Marzullo

Angelo Marzullo

With his background in painting, Angelo Marzullo creates a wide variety of images, from detailed drawings to colorful abstract canvases. His technique and style are fluid and changeable, but always reflect his fascination for color and effect. My name is Angelo Marzullo. I was born in Sicily, the region of sun, lemons and good fish. When I was 14, I came to Germany, all alone. I had a lot of courage and learned a world of darkness, of bad sides. These experiences have my character shaped and that's why I love the light, the bright and bright colors. I attended the academies of fine arts in Sicily for a while and didn't graduate, I believe that you shouldn't study talent, you have it or not, I believe that people are all original and authentic. We can only give what we have One sees the painting "black" and says my God, that's ugly, and the other says, I'm getting depressed and then you come and say that it's beautiful, decorative, inspires me, and reminds me of... .. So I make art for all tastes. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy watching and falling in love.
La speranza
Il ricordo del nostro amor
Die Arabische frau
Le  radici della cultura
Anbiguita Afrika-Cina
Ein Gruß an Michelangelo
Il dottore
Buddha  vol.1
Der Wächter
Die Tante Brigitte.
L eleganza
Ich sehe  was du nichts siehst.
Buddha vol 2.
La Swift
La pieta
Il Professore